Celebrant Clair


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What should you ask a celebrant before you book them?

I think it’s important to meet with a marriage celebrant before you book them in. It gives you an opportunity to see if they’re the right fit for you and your wedding and to ask them a few questions.

So, aside from asking for their availability and a quote, what should you ask a celebrant before booking them for your wedding?

Based on my experience as a marriage celebrant, I’ve put together this list of questions you may like to ask when meeting with your potential marriage celebrant.

  • What services are included in their fee? Do they have a contract or agreement for you to sign?
  • What’s their stance on marriage equality? Some celebrants in Australia have opted to become ‘religious marriage celebrants and are not required to solemnise same-sex marriages (but must clearly identify themselves).
  • Could there be additional fees or costs on top of the quote provided? For example, travel fees or late fees.
  • Are they available for a wedding rehearsal? Is the rehearsal cost included in the quote?
  • Do they have their own PA system?
  • Can they provide you with sample wedding ceremonies and readings?
  • What happens if they cannot attend the wedding? Do they have an emergency/back up plan?
  • What’s their preferred method of contact?
  • How often are they able to meet in person prior to the wedding? How often do they suggest you meet?
  • Do they require any specific equipment for the wedding ceremony? For example, a signing table and chairs.
  • Do they perform multiple wedding ceremonies a day? Is it possible they’ll have another wedding booked the same day as yours?
  • What timeframe do you have to think things over? Can they put a tentative hold on your wedding date?
  • What do they require from you to solemnise your marriage? For example, identification documents, forms and declarations.
  • Would they be willing to negotiate price if you provide your wedding video to share on their website/social media?
  • Do they have a referral discount? (Worth asking if they’re recommended by a friend or family member).

Phew! That’s all I can think of right now. Let me know if you have suggestions for other questions I might have missed.

Posted 267 weeks ago

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